I'm carefully re-reading Richard Lovelace's classic "Dynamics of Spiritual Renewal: an evangelical theology of renewal." This continues to be one of the most influential books I have ever read. It is essentially a history of spiritual renewal. Arguably it might also be a charter for pastoral ministry.
I'll start posting some quotations and insights here from my re-reading.
To start things off, here is the outline of "The Dynamics of Spiritual Life."
I. Preconditions of Renewal: Preparation for the gospel.
A. Awareness of the holiness of God.
1. Awareness of his justice
2. Awareness of his love
B. Awareness of the depth of sin
1. Awareness of the depth of sin in my own life.
2. Awareness of the depth of sin in our own community.
II. Primary Elements of Renewal: Depth Presentation of the gospel.
A. Justification: You are accepted
B. Sanctification: You are free from the bondage to sin
C. The indwelling Spirit: You are not alone
D. Authority in spiritual conflict: You have authority
"You are in CHRIST"
III. Secondary Elements of Renewal: Outworking of the gospel in the Church's life.
A. Mission: Following Christ into the world, presenting the gospel.
1. Proclamation
2. Social demonstration
B. Prayer: Expressing dependence on the power of God's Spirit
1. Individually
2. Corporately
C. Community: Being in union with his body
1. In microcommunities
2. In macrocommunities
D. Disenculturation: Being freed from cultural binds
1. Destructive cultural binds
2. Protective cultural binds
E. Theological Integration: having the mind of Christ
1. Having the mind of Christ toward revealed truth
2. Having the mind of Christ toward your culture.
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